Keep object in memory after end of method


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I need to load two worksheets to generate a dictionary with the worksheet data.

I’m a little confused about this.. I created a Lerfile method to not repeat the code, since the process is the same for both files. This method returns a dictionary with the data.

public object LerPlanilha(string range, FileInfo planilha)

            using (var pck = new ExcelPackage(planilha))
                var worksheet = pck.Workbook.Worksheets[1];

                var cells = worksheet.Cells;
                var dictionary = cells[range]
                    .GroupBy(c => new { c.Start.Row, c.Start.Column })
                        rcg => new KeyValuePair<int, int>(rcg.Key.Row, rcg.Key.Column),
                        rcg => cells[rcg.Key.Row, rcg.Key.Column].Value);

                return dictionary;

I need to call twice on two different buttons, to load the data of a spreadsheet at a time, in btnModel I assign the return of Lerfile in the global variable Cellulareascodel that is an Object. I’m doing it this way

private void btnModelo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            var arquivo = CarregarArquivo().ToString();

            if (arquivo != "OK")

                var planilhaBase = new FileInfo(arquivo);
                CelulasCarregadasModelo =  LerPlanilha("B16:AG16", planilhaBase);

                lblModeloCarregado.Visible = true;
                lblModeloNome.Visible = true;
                lblModeloCarregado.Text = "Planilha Carregada";
                lblModeloNome.Text = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(arquivo);

                lblModeloCarregado.Visible = true;
                lblModeloCarregado.Text = "Erro/Modelo não selecionado";

And in the other btnPlan button I assign the return of Readfile in Cellulascareadaasplan

private void btnPlan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                    var arquivo = CarregarArquivo().ToString();

                    if (arquivo != "OK")

                        var planilhaBase = new FileInfo(arquivo);
                        CelulasCarregadasPlan = LerPlanilha("B16:AG16", planilhaBase);

                        lblFluxoIntCarregado.Visible = true;
                        lblFluxoIntNome.Visible = true;
                        lblFluxoIntCarregado.Text = "Planilha Carregada";
                        lblFluxoIntNome.Text = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(arquivo);

                        lblFluxoIntCarregado.Visible = true;
                        lblFluxoIntCarregado.Text = "Erro/Modelo não selecionado";

Everything happens smoothly, the variable is filled with the dictionary.

What happens is that the variables are cleaned after the end of the button method, I cannot leave them loaded and then compare the two dictionaries in another method.

  • 1

    Dude, just declare the variables out of the methods.

  • @jbueno But the variables Cellulascarregadasmodel and Cellulascarregadasplan are not being declared within the method. I declare them after public form1()

  • Then there is something wrong with your code or your explanation. When do variables lose their value? How do you know they had value at some point?

  • Since you are using web Forms, I believe your problem is the postback, each button makes a postback right? If so, you will have to persist this variable somewhere to recover in the second postback, be it session, viewsate or context.

  • It’s web or desktop?

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