So, I’m having trouble with this bank, I try to give a select . in any table I give select the varchar look like this as you can see .
I already changed the charset for everything wants way and continued in the same problem
I’m using the Ibexpert
Is it not because who modeled the database and the system that uses this database did not directly create an own data encryption?
– Guilherme Nascimento
possibly what must have happened. in case I do not understand very well about this subject , more , in the program sera that n has the decryption of this data?
– Gilead Netto
Only those who created the program can provide you with the algorithm to decipher, it is even possible to test until it breaks, but it would take days and depend on the algorithm.
– Guilherme Nascimento
I want to take this data and put in my app for my store , to control stock and do my price searches , nothing more, my application is ready just to take this data and insert in it in vdd pick up this play data for Mysql whose application synchronizes with the webservice
– Gilead Netto
what would William? UM . DLL ?
– Gilead Netto
What file? There is no way to get the data without decoding it and really only the author of the previous application will be able to tell you which algorithm he used for this.
– Guilherme Nascimento
would that be the case ? https://www.dirceuresende.com/blog/how-remover-accentuaca-e-caracteres-especiais-de-umastring-no-sql-server/
– Gilead Netto
I think not, the question ae is in the application that used (uses) this database, has nothing to do with something ready, the creator of the software is unique that will know to inform you accurately, has a thousand and one ways to encode and each way can accept millions of "hashs" random, the type of encryption is possible hash that the author of the software used only he will be able to tell. If it were possible to decode with something of Sql then it would not be "safe". As I said, I believe that only you contacting the author of the software.
– Guilherme Nascimento
Thank you very much for the clarification , mals aew for you lose some of your time , more vc helped me a lot can be sure
– Gilead Netto
I doubt that the author pass me this , my little project went to waste
– Gilead Netto
It does not cost to try, ask if at least you have a way to backup cleanly, talk to your client to press the author of the software, maybe it will help. See you around the/
– Guilherme Nascimento
Hug aew , PEACE
– Gilead Netto