Video Background slow to load (wordpress)


Viewed 123 times


Hello! Please... My site’s home screen video in wordpress ( It takes a long time to load. And the gif preloader finishes uploading before the video. Can anyone tell me if there is any code or plugin to solve this problem? Thank you!

  • I couldn’t see your video, but sometimes it’s a question of hosting/file too big/bad code to implement the video. Ví tbm que foi desenvolvido por, por que não enviar um e-mail perguntar? talvez responder.

3 answers


Some tips:

1- The video is extremely large, no matter what plugin you use, if you use such a large video will take, for that reduce the video to a few seconds, because it is only a screen background and it is there to decorate, not to watch;

2- As it has a transparent screen in front, can greatly reduce the resolution of it will not give to notice;

3- I did his test on Google Speed test, I suggest you analyze the cost/benefit ratio of the suggestions:


<script type="text/javascript">
            window.onload = function(){
                $('section#content').style.display = 'block';
<style media="screen">
                display: none;

I think this will help. The above code will basically hide everything inside the "Section" id "content" until all page elements are loaded (including styles, images and even videos). When all is loaded, the "window.onload" will be fired, setting the display of the content Section to block, displaying it on the screen. Ideal that you put this code before the content of <body>.


It could be any number of things... very extensive video... Can be in high resolution. (This should be analyzed to make it ideal for web.) Are you using a DNC? I also recommend a load plugin. And to top it off. Host the video externally.

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