Theoretical doubt about captcha and Curl php


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I saw code snippets where people use the curl to catch the captcha image, but it is possible to catch the string that is in the picture ?

From what I understand, the complexity of catching captcha depends on the code that each site uses to generate it, that’s right ?

For example, what script would be responsible for generating catpcha of this link here ?

So it is not possible to create a universal code to catch the captcha of the site ?

  • 2

    The CURL takes anything that is on the page, simple like that, including the image. Then use OCR to try to get the words/letters that are in the image or you can use voice recognition and use captcha in audio mode. The difference is that each Captcha is a captcha, there is no way to have something universal. Some are mathematical operations, others are excerpts from books, others are images that contain some X thing, others are random words, others are advertisements.... If there are several types of captcha, how would there be "a universal code"?! The principle tends to be the same.

  • Hmmm got it, it makes sense. Do you know any free ocr library ? or any ocr api I can use for this ?

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