How do I Print a Parse.Query result in a View?


Viewed 39 times


I have the following situation, in View:


and in the Angular:

$scope.nomeCraque = {};
var EscalacaoObject = Parse.Object.extend("Escalacao");
var query = new Parse.Query(EscalacaoObject);
          success: function(results) {
          // Successfully retrieved the object.

          for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
            var object = results[i];
            $scope.nomeCraque = object.get("nomeCraque");

        error: function(error) {
        alert("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);

In this way $scope.nomeCraque prints {} in View, how do I print on Viewthe correct result that the Query is returning?

  • console.log(object.get("nomeCraque")); shows what?

  • Shows the correct data returned by Parse.Query.

  • $Scope.nameCrac = { name: 'startName' }; in the view {{}}, then just assign the value by opening $Scope

  • Felipe, good morning to you! sorry but I didn’t understand when you say: "assign the value by opening $Scope", how should I assign the value returned from Parse.Query to the variable $Scope.fieldName ?

  • $Scope.nameCrac = { name: Object.get("nameCrac"); }

  • may solve your problem

  • Felipe, I don’t know if I did something wrong, it follows an excerpt from the ... Start with $Scope.nameCrac = { name: 'startName' }; ... I did value assignment as $Scope.nameCrac = { name: Object.get("startName") } ; Because the way you wrote it, $Scope.fieldName = { name: Object.get("racName"); } causes syntax error when saving code: "Uncaught Syntaxerror: Unexpected token ;" But, unfortunately it hasn’t worked out yet, because in the view it looks like this: {"name":""} DETAIL, in the console.log it looks like this: Object {name: testname} Have any idea why?

  • @Ita in the assignment you cannot close the query with a semicolon, leave with nothing or end with a comma

  • OK Felipe, I understand, but regardless of this detail, the problem persists and in the view I can’t get the result returned by Parse.Query, is that there is missing some more procedure to be done?

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Felipe, thank you so much for your help so far, in this final part I discovered what was missing, follows below the treatment I did in my angular code: $Scope.nameCrac = { name: Object.get("nameCrac") }; $Scope. $apply(); NOW IT IS WORKING AS I WANTED! THAT IS, THE RESULT OF PARSE.QUERY IS BEING DISPLAYED IN THE VIEW! Thank you all for your support!

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