Show query output within a C# Website textbox


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I have a little doubt about showing a query.

On my website I want to show the result of a query.

For example: Number of employees: [and here appear the total]

I’ve got the comic book connections made:

protected void ligabd2()
    adpt1 = new tb_trabalhadorTableAdapter(); 
    tabtrab = new DataSet.tb_trabalhadorDataTable();
  • Do you want to show where? In what way? There are many possibilities of interpretation for your question, try to be a little more specific

  • Show only on webform. I’m sorry as I’m not seeing so many shapes I wasn’t so precise .

  • And what’s the problem? Is there already somewhere you do the query, defines the criteria, etc..?

  • For example a textbox the query is simple. is to show the number of Rows of the worker table .

  • And you do not know how to create a textbox to present the result? This is the question?

  • Yes that’s my question

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