Change cursor in "onhover" event to HTML5 <video>


Viewed 129 times


I want to change the cursor to a "hand" when I move the mouse over the buttons:

  • Play
  • Stop
  • Volume
  • Fullscreen etc..

to a video player HTML5. At the moment, the mouse pointer when it passes over the player has no idea that it can interact with it. How can I fix that since I have no idea how to change the CSS of those same buttons.

2 answers


I did some research and I saw that there are these pseudo-elements that maybe you can use:





Here is the complete list with more details: Webkit-pseudo-Elements

I based myself on the following question:CSS cursor style for Html5 video Elements

  • by chance had tried with this, before asking the question, but I must have used the wrong element. It works 5*


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