How do you make a form never disappear?


Viewed 58 times


How can I make an invisible form just with the text appearing,without the buttons just a text,never disappear when selected another window? a print:

When I select another window it disappears,?

Obg for the attention.

1 answer


In the form builder do:

public Form1()
    //Deixa o form transparente
    this.TransparencyKey = Color.Turquoise;
    this.BackColor = Color.Turquoise;
    this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;

    //Faz o form ficar na frente das outras aplicações
    this.TopMost = true;

This gives a transparent appearance, with everything, the corners of the forms will be a little strange.

Cannot make the form 100% transparent (no details).

  • Hello I disagree with you, I left one without details, but the process remains. Link:

  • Process? I’m glad it continues. If it didn’t continue the application wouldn’t work. I think you mean the taskbar, right? If it is that put this.ShowInTaskbar = false

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