Change XML tags value


Viewed 950 times


I’m having a hard time. I’m unable to scan the XML file and change the values of the tags I need, they are NOTA and SERIE. I have to replace these tags with new values, someone knows how to do it ? I researched , but the structure of my XML is making me more difficult. Follow the codes.

public function corrigirXML() {
    $dom = new DOMDocument();

    $root = $dom->documentElement;
    $index = $root->getElementsByTagName('IndexValue');
    for ($i =0; $i<count($index); $i++) {
        $type = $index->getElementsByTagName('Label')->item($i)->textContent;
        $title = $index->getElementsByTagName('Value')->item($i)->textContent;
        echo $type." - ".$title."<br>";

XML structure

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
<Document xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  • just a hint, try using ". / "in the path, so it becomes much more practical for you instead of using the absolute path.

  • Yes, I won’t do it this way. The way will come dynamically from another class, I did so just to gain time and test rsrs. But anyway thank you.

  • You want to change the tags or their contents?

  • The contents of tags.

  • @Marloncastro if any of the answers solved your problem, please mark the solution.

2 answers


I found a solution. I did it this way!

  public function corrigirXML() {
    //Setando o DOM e versão XML
    $DOMDocument = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
    $DOMDocument->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
    //Informando o caminho do XML
    $DOMDocument->load("C:\BSI\INFOCLOUD\ENTRADA\\" . $this->getCaminhoXmlCorrecao());
    //Pegando a tag para para poder fazer o foreach
    $products = $DOMDocument->getElementsByTagName('IndexValue');
    //Achando as tags filhas
    foreach ($products as $product) {
        // Guardando a tag label para a verificação
        $label = $product->getElementsByTagName('Label')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        // Se a label for iguala a nota ele muda a tag value para o valor que preciso para poder mudar o a tag no XML
        if ($label == "NOTA") {
            $product->getElementsByTagName("Value")->item(0)->nodeValue = $this->getNotaCorrecao();
        } elseif ($label == "SERIE") {
            $product->getElementsByTagName("Value")->item(0)->nodeValue = $this->getSerieCorrecao();
    //Salvando alterações
    echo $DOMDocument->save("C:\BSI\INFOCLOUD\ENTRADA\\" . $this->getCaminhoXmlCorrecao());
  • 1

    Sorry, but will you explain the code or just paste?

  • 1

    I will comment on it , it is because it is busy the day.

  • 1

    Your answer and Marcelo’s are practically the same thing, only changed that he used Simplexml and you used Domdocument, as the question is about the php-Document tag, so from my point of view your answer is correct, but for solving the problem both are equally correct :)

  • Yeah, as soon as he posted his, I had just managed to do rsrs. But I was reading , and they said that to change the content Domdocument is better , but anyway. Anyway it worked !

  • That’s not what I meant, you remarked, "Then we’ll look at it and see which one looks better," but technically they’re the same thing, just changed the API they used ;)

  • That’s right! Thank you..

  • 1

    Exactly @Guilherme Nascimento, I saw after I posted the tag php-domdocument, but as I did not feel the need and it was not explained why it was only this api, used the simpleXml.

  • 1

    @Marcelodeandrade I agree with you, if you will just read and edit simple things Simplexml is much easier, I use Domdocument when I want to do complex manipulations ;)

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If you just want to replace the values, go through the nodes and make the change as follows:


$xml = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Document xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">

$parsedXml = simplexml_load_string($xml);
foreach($parsedXml->IndexValues->IndexValue as $item)
    if($item->Label == 'NOTA'){
        $item->Value = 'xxxxxx';

    if($item->Label == 'SERIE'){
        $item->Value = 'ABC123';

  • Thank you very much for your help, Marcelo. But right now I can solve too , I will post my answer also there we analyze and see which got better and we close the topic.

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