#2002 - No such file or directory no phpmyadmin


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I am using MAC OS Sierra (safari 10.0.3), MAMP 4.0.6, phpMyAdmin and netbeans.

Everything was going very well, had already run the application some times until suddenly the computer stopped.

I restarted the laptop and when I opened MAMP again the indication of Mysql server does not turn green the same as Apache Server (the normal is both stay). Opening Safari by typing localhost/phpmyadmin, as I always did and worked, went to inform

0 #2002 - No such file or directory - The server is not responding (or the local server socket is configured incorrectly).

This has happened before, I decided to install MAMP again, but I had to create again the BD and the respective tables in phpMyAdmin, which was a lot of work and would not like to have to do again, because I fear that the problem will occur again.

I did some research on the Internet, found solutions to similar problems, but not exactly the same as this, but I tried to apply them and it didn’t work.

I would like some solution where there is no need to reinstall MAMP.

  • It is likely that the mysql server port is in use by another process.

  • I did this research... Nothing! No port being used...

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