How to reconfigure eclipse startup files when one cannot open it?


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I received a reminder that there was an eclipse update. I had the updates downloaded and installed. At the end the eclipse asked to restart it. I allowed the eclipse to restart. So far nothing wrong.

However, the eclipse now does not start anymore. When I click on the eclipse icon it even starts to open but is only in the opening rectangle flashing.

The option to reinstall the eclipse is out of the question. I had MONTHS of work to be able to install the Xdebug in the eclipse, and its configuration always gives me a headache.

I intend:

1) Find the folder where the eclipse configuration files are located;
2) Access the correct files where I can undo the update that went wrong. Returning the same to the perfect state before the update.

I don’t know exactly where to go to make these fixes. I know the files that were changed on the day of the incident, are they:

  • config.ini
  • org.eclipse.osgi
  • .Settings
  • org.eclipse.oomph.setup
  • org.eclipse.update


#This configuration file was written by:                                         org.eclipse.equinox.internal.frameworkadmin.equinox.EquinoxFwConfigFileParser
#Mon Mar 06 16:23:09 BRT 2017
[email protected]/workspace
equinox.use.ds=true eclipse.buildId=4.6.2.M201611241400osgi.bundles=reference\:file\:org.eclipse.
equinox.simpleconfigurator_1.1.200.v20160504-1450.jar@1\:startorg.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator.configUrl=file\:org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/bundles.infoeclipse.product=org.eclipse.platform.ideosgi.splashPath=platform\:/base/plugins/org.eclipse.platformosgi.framework.extensions=reference\:file\:org.eclipse.osgi.compatibility.state_1.0.200.v20160504-1419.jar,reference\:file\:javax.transaction_1.1.1.v201105210645.jar,reference\:file\:org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.nashorn.extension_1.0.2.v201610280128.jar osgi.bundles.defaultStartLevel=4 [email protected]/../p2/eclipse.application=org.eclipse.ui.ide.workbench



Someone on this forum has definitely gone through this and solved it right in the program folders. That’s what I want. I don’t want to have to reinstall everything whenever a serious error occurs.


  • In the log file in the eclipse folder it shows some specific error?

  • I searched the folders (linux) of the eclipse and did not find the log file, where it should be in linux?

  • In the Workspace folder you do not have a file .log?

  • found files like this hs_err_pid2366.log but none of the date in question nor today. They are in the same eclipse folder. However, the real Workspace is in lampp/htdocs where I put my projects. And there are no log files. I’ll see if the eclipse puts them somewhere else now.

  • In Workspace/. Metadata has some file today?

  • I have two workspaces. A so-called worksapce that stores the javaSE/EE projects and in this place I found a log inside the folder. Metadata but it is a month long and reports on a SESSAO. I just can’t find this file. I will search the pc all with the extension . log to see if I can find.

  • 1

    found inside the . Metadata inside the htdocs. It contains the following input sticks : ! ENTRY org.eclipse.Equinox.P2.publisher.eclipse 4 0 2017-03-06 16:13:45.733 ! MESSAGE Unable to Acquire Pluginconverter service During Generation for: /home/Fabiano/Downloads/eclipse/Features/org.eclipse.jsf_sdk.feature_3. 9.0.v201609161615.jar.

  • Must have guessed the problem with this Equinox.P2 what is this? I saw the beginning of the log like this: ! ENTRY org.eclipse.Equinox.P2.transport.ecf 4 1006 2017-03-04 18:33:53.183 ! MESSAGE Unknown Host: ! STACK 0 at at at

  • 1

    I was able to open the eclipse by going to the .. /eclipse/Configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/ . manager folder and deleting the . filetable files there. then opened the eclipse again.

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