Popular dynamic select with javascript


Viewed 2,571 times


I have two select, and I want the second select only to show the data depending on the selection of the first. What I lack is 'popular' the second select, because I already have the necessary data to put in it. As I’m starting with JS I don’t know how to do this dynamically and I don’t know if it’s the best way to do it either.


<select id="selectCategory" 
        ng-options="category as category.title for category in categories">
    <option value="">Escolha...</option>
<select id="selectProduct"
        ng-options="product as product.name for product in products">
    <option value="">Escolha...</option>

The first select is working right, when I select an item, calls the Listener 'change' and searches the required json file on the server with the getData()


var selectCategory = document.getElementById("selectCategory");
var selectProduct  = document.getElementById("selectProduct");

// Aqui popula o primeiro select
DataService.getProducts().then(function (result) {
    $scope.categories = result.data.products;
}, function (err) {

function getData (data){
    DataService.getProduct(data).then(function (result) {
        $scope.products = result;
        console.log($scope.products); // <- aqui mostra o json correto
    }, function (err) {

// evento chamado quando escolhido uma opção no primeiro select
selectCategory.addEventListener('change', function (){
    var i = selectCategory.selectedIndex -1;


Example json that is loaded

  "product": [
      "name": "Prod 1",
      "image": "www.google.com"
      "name": "Prod 2",
      "image": "www.google.com"

What I have no idea how to do is how to put the data in the second select after grabbing the data from the server

1 answer


Do the following:

Within your getProduct specify the correct json index:

$scope.products = result.product;

And see if it returns the result you expect.

I ran a simulation down here so you could see it working:

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
  var result = {
    "product": [
        "name": "Prod 1",
        "image": "www.google.com"
        "name": "Prod 2",
        "image": "www.google.com"
  $scope.products = result.product;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
  <select id="selectProduct"
          ng-options="product as product.name for product in products">
      <option value="">Escolha...</option>

OBS.: The value of option is not being specified, only the label. Read more about ngOption here.

  • 1

    It worked well, a carelessness of mine to not have done it. Thank you!

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