Browse variable type php array


Viewed 883 times


I have a $array variable that contains array values that were received from a JSON.stringify(venc)

{"Nº da Parc":"1","Data do pagamento":"06/04/2017","valor a pagar":"R$ 50,00"},
{"Nº da Parc":"2","Data do pagamento":"06/05/2017","valor a pagar":"R$ 50,00"},
{"Nº da Parc":"3","Data do pagamento":"06/06/2017","valor a pagar":"R$ 50,00"},
{"Nº da Parc":"4","Data do pagamento":"06/07/2017","valor a pagar":"R$ 50,00"},
{"Nº da Parc":"5","Data do pagamento":"06/08/2017","valor a pagar":"R$ 50,00"}

I was able to display only with the echo $array; .

How do I go through this variable?

I tried to use the

foreach($array as $d){
  echo $d;

and displays nothing

and trying to use $arr = json_decode($array); the php file gives error, No message, just red on Chrome’s bugger

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • In PHP, associative arrays are also defined between [], nay {}, outside that is not used : in the assignment and yes =>. See working on

  • is because these values came from JSON.stringify(venc); ai in php I’m looking forward to going through them

  • But if it’s coming this way in PHP, you need to convert JSON to array instead. For this, there is the function json_decode.

  • every time I do $var = json_decode($array) gives error in php file. Using var_dump(json_decode($array) works, but I’d like to scroll through to show in an organized way. How to convert json to array?

  • With this function. Edit your question and post all your code. It’s hard to understand what you’re doing. Put together the error that gives.

  • but the file only turns red on that Chrome bugger and doesn’t say what error is

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2 answers


I tried it this way and it seems to work

$json= '[
{"Nº da Parc":"1","Data do pagamento":"06/04/2017","valor a pagar":"R$ 50,00"},
{"Nº da Parc":"2","Data do pagamento":"06/05/2017","valor a pagar":"R$ 50,00"},
{"Nº da Parc":"3","Data do pagamento":"06/06/2017","valor a pagar":"R$ 50,00"},
{"Nº da Parc":"4","Data do pagamento":"06/07/2017","valor a pagar":"R$ 50,00"},
{"Nº da Parc":"5","Data do pagamento":"06/08/2017","valor a pagar":"R$ 50,00"}

$data = json_decode($json);
foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
        echo '  ' . $value->{'Nº da Parc'} . "<br>";
        echo '  ' . $value->{'Data do pagamento'} . "<br>";
        echo '  ' . $value->{'valor a pagar'} . "<br>";

  • is because these values came from JSON.stringify(venc); this way ai in php I want to go through them

  • What do you mean you can’t use it the way I put it now?

  • is because Json already sends that way

  • Ready I edited try so

  • Bingoooo!! Exactly that! Thank you so much!


This is due to the inability of php to work directly with Json. You need to convert it to an associative array via the method json_decode.

Just pass the string containing the json to the method and it will return an array:

$resultado = json_decode($json);

giving a var_dump you will see that the result is an associative array, which can be traversed through a foreach

  • Not to be annoying, but in what your reply adds to the discussion that was no longer said in the above answer?

  • I explain why it doesn’t work.

  • but it’s important information

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