I’m starting my studies with Python and Django. After creating several simple CRUDS, I tried to create a more complex form using several classes, but was unsuccessful.
I want to create a screen for typing orders with customer information (the customer can be registered along with the order), a list with sellers and add products. To add the products I think about creating a modal window that refers to the products or an autocomplete field in the form itself with an add button.
It is good practice to create manual forms and persist data manually?
What is the best way to create a form that has information from multiple models (Order, Product and Seller)?
I’m using Python 3.5, Django 1.10 on Linux.
Thanks for your help.
Hello - your question was not very clear. I suggest you read the class documentation
of Django https://docs.djangoproject.com/pt-br/1.10/ref/forms/api/– Leonardo Pessoa
Leonardo, thanks for the feedback. I edited my question, just wanted the path I must follow to create a more complex form. I had already browsed the link you sent, but what is the best option? Thanks.
– Seixas