How do I uncheck the previous radio button after selecting another one?


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I have five radio button, of these five one is "marked", as I do to unmark the radio button that I clicked after clicking on another?


   <input type="radio" id="A" checked/>
   <input type="radio" id="B" />
   <input type="radio" id="C" />
    <input type="radio" id="D" />
    <input type="radio" id="E" />

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    define the same name

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    after that, put your own answer ;)

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    for example: name="radio-btn"

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    @Murilogambôa Grateful for the tip! It was a detail that I didn’t know, now I understand that without defining the tag name the checked is for the entire collection radio.

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If you define the content of the attribute name inputs in an identical way.
Ex: name="myGroup", by default you will have the desired behavior.

Goes below

   <input type="radio" id="A" name="myGroup"/>
   <input type="radio" id="B" name="myGroup" />
   <input type="radio" id="C" name="myGroup" />
    <input type="radio" id="D" name="myGroup" />
    <input type="radio" id="E" name="myGroup" />

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    André Paulo, Thanks! Such a detail that I never stopped to think what really made the "checked" go to another radio button. And the worst thing that was a failure of my own, because it was working perfectly in a personal project, that I am developing. So I decided to remove the name, and started my race against time to find out what had gone wrong that everyone was getting selected. Tired of trying to understand I decided to ask. :D

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