Add 2 or more email in txt using as separator to ','


Viewed 29 times


Good afternoon,

How can I add 2 or more emails in the same field using a ',' tab by the jQuery Blur event? The code is already mounting, but I need to modify so that it accepts the new record without overwriting the other one. And of course the Email Validator accepts the same.

Obs. The code is developed in ASP.NET and, already works normally, I only need an orientation to make this modification. Below is the code I need to change.

Forgive me for the simplicity of the request and thank you.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    Good afternoon, in the method validate e-mail could be used an array of emails to validate and could use var[] emails = email.split(',') , and create a loop within the method to validate all ....

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