Save IP server data


Viewed 83 times


Good morning people when trying to connect to a server I set up my firewall and configured the files pg.conf and pg_hb.conf to allow remote connections but presents this error could help me ?

it presents the following error

Server does not accept connections: connection library reports Could not connect to server: Connection expired (0x0000274C / 10060) Server is running on host "" and accepting TCP / IP connections on port 5432?

  • Is your server’s OS Windows? Does the Application connect to the database at any time? How did the Firewall release?

  • Laércio Mei operating system is windows in case at the moment it is connecting normally on a localhost connection, but I want to save the data to a server with ip have configured my firewall so Control Panel, allow program or firewall feature, postgresql checked the domestic option, Audience.

  • It’s exactly the same way I usually set up and works correctly. You set up postgre on port 5432 even?

  • yes, the standard port of postreSql 5432

  • in case I would have to configure my server ?

  • How you set up your pg.config and the pg_hba.conf?

  • Personal i chatting with a friend of mine I need to release the port 5432 of the firewall of the server and the router ai yes will solve my roblema

  • Thanks for the personal help

  • Did you solve the problem? If not, put pg_hba.conf..

  • I solved man, configured Firewal to allow the input d port 5432 and configured Hb.conf with the ip of the servivor

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