Run JS on third party page


Viewed 3,195 times


I would like to know all possible ways how to run a JS(site) on a third-party page, where my real intention is to manipulate the frontend even to give me the custom view of a page x.

I can already do this using the program Fiddler where it is possible through the resource "Autoresponder" i replace the existing JS or CSS on a page by my local files, but I would like to know according to the experience of anyone who knows...what other ways to do this?

  • 2

    Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey.

  • Thank you very much! These two tools will help me a lot.

2 answers



You’d have to think of something like this: Let’s say you had a text box, to type something, as a username:

User Name : <input ... value="Nome">

Now, if you typed like this:"onmouseover="event

<input ... value=" "onmouseover="evento ">

Or something like that: We have a text box, type of a browser, if we type such a thing, it can appear "No results found for [searched word]" And if we type: Code, and the browser or other site doesn’t find anything, if you don’t have any security, you can run the script. Let’s say this is HTML code:

<div>Não foi encntrado nenhum resultado para <script>alert("script")</script></div> 

Example 2:

<script type="text/javascript">
function Pesquise(){
/*Script do navegador ou parte de pesquisa de um site*/
document.getElementById("Result").innerHTML  = "Não foi encontrado nenhum resultado para " +  document.getElementById("CaixaPesquisa").value;

<input id="CaixaPesquisa" type="text" value="Código aqui"/><input type="submit" value="Pesquisar" onclick="Pesquise();"/>

<div id="Result">


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