Make the adhesion to the plan pagseguro preapproval


Viewed 997 times


Currently, I am trying to integrate recurring payments with pagseguro. Currently, the API returns the ['preApprovalRequest'] ['code']. The problem is that I don’t know where or what I do with this code to redirect the add user to the plan and redirect them to pay secure so they can pay. With one-time payments, it’s

But with preapproval documentation does not say what you do once you get the answer from

This returns

<? Xml version = "1.0" codificação = "ISO-8859-1" standalone = "yes"?> <PreApprovalRequest> <code> 123123123EAF123123123 </ code> <date> 2017-03-02T18: 29: 53-03: 00 </ date> </ preApprovalRequest>

With this ['code'] how or where I can redirect the user also so that they can pay?

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