Stream Manipulation(java 8)


Viewed 138 times


Good morning guys I would like to get a little doubt, I have a String Stream with many lines of a txt, I need to do a split to break the lines in the Pipes, but the return as you know is a String vector, summarizing I would like to know if it is possible to get to this:

Stream<String> linhas=Files.lines(caminho,StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
/**Alguma coisa aqui...**/
Stream<String[]> linhasSemPipe;//Resultado

Manipulating only Streams, no conversion to another type.

Thanks for your attention.

  • Show the input and output file contents you expect.

2 answers


You can use the method map.

Stream<String[]> linhasSemPipe =  Files.lines(caminho,StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)
                                       .map(linha -> linha.split("\\|"));


You can try something like this by returning a Stream:

Stream<String> linesByPipe = 
        .map(line -> line.split("\\|")) // Quebra por '|'

Or so, returning one List:

List<String> linesByPipe = 
        .map(line -> line.split("\\|")) // Quebra por '|' 

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