Logical doubt of PHP code


Viewed 185 times


Hello, folks. I’m starting in PHP and am having some problems with this code:


    function linha($semana) {

        echo "<tr>";
                for ($i= 0; $i <= 6; $i++) { 
                        if (isset($semana[$i])) {
                            echo "<td>{$semana[$i]}</td>";
                        } else {

                            echo "<td></td>";

        echo "</tr>";

    function calendario() {

        $dia = 1;
        $semana = array();
        while ($dia <= 31) {
            array_push($semana, $dia);

            if (count($semana) == 7) {
                $semana = array();




<table border="1">
    <?php calendario();?>

As you can see, it results in a calendar (without specifics). I cannot understand the logic of this code. Why use for? Why use the if?

If anyone can help me with the logic of this code I thank you!

1 answer


This calendar itself is useless. It just increments a counter without obeying any variable that a calendar has. But let’s see:


function calendario() {

    // Define o primeiro dia como 1
    $dia = 1;

    // Define que $semana será uma variável do tipo array
    $semana = array();

    // Inicia um loop até o que seria o dia 31, desobedecendo quaisquer eventuais regras do calendário. Nem todos os meses possuem 31 dias
    while ($dia <= 31) {

        // Adiciona o valor do dia dentro do array $semana
        array_push($semana, $dia);

        // Verifica se a variável $semana possui 7 elementos
        if (count($semana) == 7) {

            // chama a função linha() e passa a variável $semana como parâmetro

            // Zera o array $semana
            $semana = array();

        // incrementa +1 no valor de $dia



The function below only iterates by the array that was passed as parameter and creates a new row in the table with the 7 elements (numbers, considered as calendar days)

function linha($semana) {

    echo "<tr>";
    for ($i= 0; $i <= 6; $i++) { 
        // verifica se possui o elemento na posição $i do array $semana
        // Caso possua, imprime o valor na tela
        if (isset($semana[$i])) {
            echo "<td>{$semana[$i]}</td>";
        } else {

            echo "<td></td>";

    echo "</tr>";

  • 1

    Thank you, Marcelo! I am training my logic and this problem was a little difficult to understand, but your explanation helped a lot!

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