How to use plunker codes in my applications?


Viewed 108 times


I am professional Oracle for 12 years and am starting in web development with Angularjs.

I searched through the internet for "login screen Angularjs" and arrived to the plunker with your model: show=preview

Obviously, I got carried away and downloaded the source code and to my disappointment, it didn’t work on my browsers.

The question is: Why?! If the code is the same that appears in the plunker, what is missing for it to work?

  • Take a doubt, the codes copied from the scripts are with http://?

  • We need a little more information, for example: An error is presented? If so, what error? What are the "symptoms" shown when you run the code?

1 answer


You need a server to run Angularjs.

A very simple option is Nodejs, through its module http-server.


To install globally type: npm install -g http-server.


Enter the project directory and run with http-server -o.

The parameter -o open the browser on the main project page.

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