How to find a letter in a string?


Viewed 1,980 times


How can I test if a letter (stored in a variable) is contained in a word? ex:

palavra = "palavra"
escolha = "a"


The word has 3 letters "a" in the word.... or

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3 answers


I’m not a big fan of Regex, but Ruby encourages not having a very simple solution to this and having specific syntax for regular expressions, so I think the most appropriate.

palavra = "palavra"
escolha = "a"
contagem = palavra.scan(/(?=#{escolha})/).count
puts "A palavra tem #{contagem} letras 'a' na palavra"

Behold working in the ideone. And in the repl it.. Also put on the Github for future reference.


A very readable format would be to use the character array that any String offers united with a count:

lookup_char = 'a'
'abcd abc ab a'.chars.count {|c| c == lookup_char} # => 4


If you just want to know if it includes the lyrics:


If you want the number of times it appears:


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