When opening Solution, folders with projects do not appear


Viewed 1,495 times


I created a Solution, based on the video of Eduardo Pires. I saved and went to do something else. Well, when you reopen Solution, the folders with the projects do not appear, leaving only the Solution indicating (0 project). How do I show my folders?

Remembering that the folders are there, opening by windows explorer are all there , the folders and the projects.

  • This happened to me. I found that the sdk I set in global.json was not installed. I installed and when creating the projects inside the same Solution now appear normally.

1 answer


Already tried to go on show all files on Solution option?


(The icon is highlighted in red)

And after that just select the project folders and right-click and select "Include in Project"

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • So what I’m finding strange is that in my Solution Explorer I don’t have this option. It was the first thing I tried to do. Visual Studio 2015

  • Then try to right click on solution -> add -> Existing Project and selects the .csproj which must be inside some folder of the solution

  • But what about folders? When I do this, I just add the library class, but I need to add all my folders and I don’t know why that happened. I’d like to understand what really happened.

  • When you added the . csproj appeared another item below the Solution right?? Clicking on the project, does not appear the option to show all files?? Probably your . sln or . csproj is corrupted.

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