Primefaces: Modal dialog does not open


Viewed 799 times


I am trying to open the dialog of the first faces, but without success. I have the following code:


<ui:define name="content">
    <h:form id="frm-clientes-cadastrados">
        <p:button value="Novo Cliente" styleClass="btn-cadastrar" onclick="; return false;" />
            <p:dataTable var="cliente" value=...>

<h:form id="frm-cadastro-cliente-dialog">
    <p:dialog header="Cadastrar Cliente" widgetVar="cadastroClienteDialog" modal="true">

In the browser console the following error:

Uncaught Referenceerror: cadastroClienteDialog is not defined at Htmlbuttonelement.onclick (Customersdastrados.xhtml:31)

  • 1

    If I’m not mistaken, in onclick from the button you need to reference the form in which the dialog is. Something like: onclick=""

1 answer


onClick can’t see your widgetVar in another form.

Include your dialog within your frm-customers-registered form or refer the form to your onclick call.


<ui:define name="content">
<h:form id="frm-clientes-cadastrados">
    <p:button value="Novo Cliente" styleClass="btn-cadastrar" onclick="; return false;" />
        <p:dataTable var="cliente" value=...>
    <p:dialog header="Cadastrar Cliente" widgetVar="cadastroClienteDialog" modal="true">

You can check more examples and documentation at the link below:

  • 1

    It is not necessary for the dialog to be in the same form as the button. The dialog (or any other component) can be in another form. Just the button references the dialog in this other form:

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