What is the difference between PDO and Mysqli_?


Viewed 74 times


I have been densevolving applications in PHP Mysql for a long time, and for norlamente I use the object PDO to connect with the base de dados and everything works perfectly. But today I decided to get out of my ignorance and I would like to test the famous mysqli_:

  • What are the major differences between these two methods ?
  • Under what circumstances should be used ?
  • 4

    One supports only Mysql while PDO supports multiple databases. If using Mysql it would be preferable to use Mysqli, if you do not use Mysql you will "only be left" using PDO.

  • 4

    I do not understand how a question practically duplicated (identical) to one with 40 up can receive negative, how to explain to AP the reason for the negative, for it to improve ?

  • 2

    @Magichat here is how things work ... Very sad !!

  • 2

    Don’t generalize, man...

  • @Magichat has a factor for this to happen of course just see the general context ... the answer is excellent the problem is not the answer ...

  • @Virgilionovic Désulpe man , I did not understand...

  • 1

    @Magichat I voted for it a long time ago, I liked the answer, but there are always people who do not like what we post and that is one of the factors, as you said yourself I can not understand. The network is large and this happens by several factors. Let us be aware that the majority vote right.

  • 1

    @Virgilionovic ah I draw...

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