Recover Codeigniter database value - Mysql


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In a user form, I upload information such as username, password and permissions.

But now I’ve included it in the permissoes a field called grupo.

And I included it in the usuarios this field, so that; every time the user’s permission is chosen, the group field loads the group name of the selected permission group.

I know that in MYSQL, the querie used is

`SELECT `grupo` FROM `permissoes` WHERE `id` = 1`.

But I couldn’t do it in the codeigniter.

In the edit function,

I retrieve user data and display the information in the view as follows:

User Controller

//Obtem dados do usuário
$this->data['usuarios']   = $this->Usuarios_model->obter_id($this->uri->segment(4));
//Obtem Permissões Ativas
$this->data['permissoes'] = $this->Permissoes_model->obter_ativo('permissoes', ',permissoes.nome');
//Carrega View
$this->template->admin_render('admin/usuarios/editar', $this->data);

Model User:

//Função obter ID
function obter_id($id){
    $this->db->select('usuarios.*, permissoes.nome as permissao');
    $this->db->select('usuarios.*, permissoes.grupo as grupo');
    $this->db->join('permissoes', 'usuarios.permissoes_id =', 'left');
    return $this->db->get('usuarios')->row();

Model Permissions

//Exibir somente permissões ativas
function obter_ativo($tabela,$campos){        
    $query = $this->db->get();
    return $query->result();;

View User

//View do formulário usuário
<select name="permissoes_id" id="permissoes_id" class="form-control">
   <?php foreach ($permissoes as $permissao) {
      if($permissao->id == $usuarios->permissoes_id){ $selected = 'selected';}else{$selected = '';}
     echo '<option value="'.$permissao->id.'"'.$selected.'>'.$permissao->nome.'</option>';
   } ?>
<input "Aqui vai o nome do grupo referente a permissão selecionada" />

User tables

`primeiro_nome` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
`ultimo_nome` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
`nome_usuario` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
`email` VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL,
`senha` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
`permissoes_id` INT NOT NULL,
`grupo` INT NOT NULL,

Tables Permissions

`nome` VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL,
`grupo` INT NOT NULL,
`permissoes` TEXT NULL,
`situacao` TINYINT(1) NULL,
  • Where is the error or problem?

  • No error, what I want is to recover the group related to permission.

  • See in the image above, you will have an idea. For each permission there is a group. Example: Admin Permission - group 1, Permission Support - group 2, Permission Operation - group 1; I want to recover the group according to the selected permission.

  • Who is retrieving permissions groups? obter_ativo()?

  • Yes, get it active()

  • Makes print_r($query->result()) on the way out of obter_ativo() and shows here, Please.

  • But printing this way print_r($query->result()) on the model, will show me the result where?

  • But using print_r($this->data['permissoes']);, have Array&#xA;(&#xA; [0] => stdClass Object&#xA; (&#xA; [id] => 1&#xA; [nome] => Administrador&#xA; )&#xA;&#xA;)

  • It’s the same thing, but from what I can tell, the group isn’t there... this object only has id and name...

  • That’s the only reason I got it. Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [nome] => Administrador [grupo] => 1 ) )

  • Can you leave dynamic? Type, when changing select, also change the permission related group?

  • Possible duplicate of Select(combobox) Dynamic

  • But this Naum would be in the same table. Example: id = 1, permissão = admin, grupo = 1

  • It doesn’t matter. The logic is the same. You just need to do in your model one method to recover permissions and another to retrieve groups.

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