Edit Record Using Jpa


Viewed 457 times


Good morning


I’m trying to edit record.

well the scenario is the following have my screen edit that is bringing me the data correctly.

but when I do the editing it updates on the screen no more in the bank.

I have the following tables as below.

table = person as the following property id,name

table = employee as the following property id,position and id_person(fk)

I have My Repositories classes As below for each Employee or Employee

package br.com.repository;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;

import br.com.model.FuncionarioModel;

public class FuncionarioRepository implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private EntityManager manager;

    public FuncionarioRepository(EntityManager manager) {
        this.manager = manager;

    public FuncionarioModel porId(Long id) {
        return manager.find(FuncionarioModel.class, id);

    public List<FuncionarioModel> todos() {
        TypedQuery<FuncionarioModel> query = manager.createQuery("from FuncionarioModel", FuncionarioModel.class);
        return query.getResultList();

    public FuncionarioModel guardar(FuncionarioModel funcionario) {
        return this.manager.merge(funcionario);

    public void remover(FuncionarioModel funcionario) {

    public List<String> cargosQueContem(String cargo) {
        TypedQuery<String> query = manager.createQuery(
                "select distinct cargo from Funcionario " + "where upper(cargo) like upper(:cargo)",
        query.setParameter("cargo", "%" + cargo + "%");
        return query.getResultList();

package br.com.repository;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;

import br.com.model.PessoaModel;

public class PessoaRepository implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private EntityManager manager;

    public PessoaRepository(EntityManager manager) {
        this.manager = manager;

    public PessoaModel porId(Long id) {
        return manager.find(PessoaModel.class, id);

    public List<PessoaModel> todas() {
        TypedQuery<PessoaModel> query = manager.createQuery("from PessoaModel", PessoaModel.class);
        return query.getResultList();

    public PessoaModel guardar(PessoaModel pessoa) {
        return this.manager.merge(pessoa);

    public void remover(PessoaModel pessoa) {

    public List<String> nomesQueContem(String nome) {
        TypedQuery<String> query = manager.createQuery(
                "select distinct nome from Pessoa " + "where upper(nome) like upper(:nome)",
        query.setParameter("nome", "%" + nome + "%");
        return query.getResultList();


and my controller classes as below

package br.com.controller;

import java.io.Serializable;
import javax.inject.Inject;

import br.com.model.PessoaModel;
import br.com.repository.PessoaRepository;
import br.com.util.NegocioException;
import br.com.util.Transactional;

public class PessoaController implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private PessoaRepository pessoaRepository;

    public PessoaModel salvar(PessoaModel pessoaModel) throws NegocioException {
        if (pessoaModel.getNome().isEmpty()) {
            throw new NegocioException("Nome da Pessoa Não pode ser vazio ");
        return this.pessoaRepository.guardar(pessoaModel);

    public void excluir(PessoaModel pessoaModel) throws NegocioException {
        pessoaModel = this.pessoaRepository.porId(pessoaModel.getCodigo());
        if (pessoaModel.getNome() == null) {
            throw new NegocioException("Não é possível excluir um Funcionario Demitido!");

    public void atualizar(PessoaModel pessoaModel) throws NegocioException {
        pessoaModel = this.pessoaRepository.porId(pessoaModel.getCodigo());

package br.com.controller;

import java.io.Serializable;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import br.com.model.FuncionarioModel;
import br.com.repository.FuncionarioRepository;
import br.com.util.NegocioException;
import br.com.util.Transactional;

public class FuncionarioController implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private FuncionarioRepository funcionarioRepository;

    public void salvar(FuncionarioModel funcionarioModel) throws NegocioException {
        if (funcionarioModel.getCargo().isEmpty() ) {
            throw new NegocioException("Não é Possivel Salvar Funcionario sem Cargo");

    public void excluir(FuncionarioModel funcionarioModel) throws NegocioException {
        funcionarioModel = this.funcionarioRepository.porId(funcionarioModel.getCodigo());
        if (funcionarioModel.getCargo()== null) {
            throw new NegocioException("Não é possível excluir um Funcionario Demitido!");

    public void atualizar(FuncionarioModel funcionarioModel) throws NegocioException {
        funcionarioModel = this.funcionarioRepository.porId(funcionarioModel.getCodigo());


and by Ultimo my class Bean

package br.com.view;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces;
import javax.faces.view.ViewScoped;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;

import br.com.controller.FuncionarioController;
import br.com.controller.PessoaController;
import br.com.model.FuncionarioModel;
import br.com.model.PessoaModel;
import br.com.repository.FuncionarioRepository;
import br.com.util.NegocioException;

public class ConsultaFuncionariosBean implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private FuncionarioController funcionarioController;

    private PessoaController pessoaController;

    @Inject transient
    private FuncionarioRepository funcionarioRepository;

    private List<FuncionarioModel> funcionarios;

    @Inject transient
    private FuncionarioModel funcionarioModel;

    @Inject transient
    private PessoaModel pessoaModel;

    public void consultar() {
        this.funcionarios = funcionarioRepository.todos();

    public void Excluir(FuncionarioModel funcionarioModel) throws NegocioException{
        //Atualiza o Registro na Tela Assim que For Excluído

    //Carrega as Informações de Um funcionario para ser Editada.
    public void Editar(FuncionarioModel funcionarioModel) throws NegocioException{
        this.funcionarioModel = funcionarioModel;

    //Atualiza Registro Alterado
    public void AlterarRegistro() throws NegocioException{

    public List<FuncionarioModel> getFuncionarios() {
        return funcionarios;

    public void setFuncionarios(List<FuncionarioModel> funcionarios) {
        this.funcionarios = funcionarios;

    public FuncionarioModel getFuncionarioModel() {
        return funcionarioModel;

    public void setFuncionarioModel(FuncionarioModel funcionarioModel) {
        this.funcionarioModel = funcionarioModel;


In case anyone’s been through it or knows how to fix it I’m grateful

personal found that after I find the object by find of Marge it was returned in my get the result of the database not form, I solved as follows I created a variable saved the result of the form as below, but I thought it’s not the right solution if someone can correct me.

public void atualizar(FuncionarioModel funcionarioModel) throws NegocioException {
    String cargo = funcionarioModel.getCargo(); 
    funcionarioModel = this.funcionarioRepository.porId(funcionarioModel.getCodigo());

  • Select the code and click Ctrl + K or click on the formatting button, makes it nicely formatted =)

  • I can’t remember if it’s the merge or the update, but there’s one of them that you have to do .flush() (something like).

  • Thanks Igor for answering, you wouldn’t have an example of how I can do this ?

  • in fact I would like to use the get and set methods of my Entity or to take the data that were changed in the form as example = personal.setEntity.setName(personal.getName()), so it would be a more correct way to treat the object, more when I do so it returns the database data and not the form changed.

  • Just do seuEntityManager.flush() shortly after the .merge(T). I see you’re using the merge in methods called guarda. If you want to add a record you should use .persist(T). The merge and update only serve to update information already existing in the bank.

1 answer


The command merge serves to make the entity manageable by your Entitymanager, but if you want to save the entity changes in the bank, you should call the method flush(), or even open and close a transaction, which also makes the service even though the first method is faster.

public PessoaModel guardar(PessoaModel pessoa) {
    return this.manager.merge(pessoa);

This section above only causes the entity to be in "manageable" mode by Entitymanager, call the method manager.flush(); to save the data in the database.

public PessoaModel guardar(PessoaModel pessoa) {
    return pessoa;

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