Checkbox in Angular


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Good evening, guys, I’m a beginner in the development of apps using Angular, and currently, I came across the following situation: I need to register a certain driver, the same has categories on CNH, I then decided to do a checkbox with the values (A,B,C,D). However, whether I select the checkbox or not, it goes as true to my service (REST using jersey). In my Insert method, I declare the checkbox array and already set true values to default, I think I’m missing this point. How do I declare a chckbox array belonging to my driver object outside of this function? Dese already thank you!

my view:

<div ng-app="Motorista" ng-controller="motoristaController as vm">
                      <legend> Categoria CNH </legend>
                      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="vm.motorista.categoria_cnh.value1" />A
                      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="vm.motorista.categoria_cnh.value2" />B
                      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="vm.motorista.categoria_cnh.value3" />C
                      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="vm.motorista.categoria_cnh.value4" />D
                      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="vm.motorista.categoria_cnh.value5" />E
<input type="button" ng-click="vm.inserir()" value="Inserir"/>

my controller:

var linkservice = "http://localhost:8080/Cast_Frotas/rest/motorista/";

var app = angular.module('Motorista',[]);

app.controller('motoristaController', function ($scope, $http) {

      //vm.inserir = inserir;


      function iniciar() {
        this.motorista = {};
        this.motorista.categoria_cnh = {
            value1 : true,
            value2 : true,
            value3 : true,
            value4 : true,
            value5 : true

/*var motorista = window.localStorage.getItem('motorista');
$scope.motorista = JSON.parse(motorista);*/

$http.get(linkservice + "select").then(function (response) {    
    $scope.registros =;

$http.get(linkservice + "selectPrestador").then(function (response) {
    $scope.prestadores =;

$http.get(linkservice + "selectCurso").then(function (response) {
    $scope.cursos =;

$scope.inserir = function (){


    $scope.jsonObj = angular.toJson($scope.motorista, false);
  • All the way back to save?

  • then, I send the object (Json) to my service, that was the pattern they determined in the project, @sorack

  • But the checkbox will always be true, I can’t move right with Angular :(

  • I’ve seen what your problem was. You want some tips to improve it there too or just the solution?

  • @Sorack, if you could send me both, I’d be most grateful

  • On the improvement part, could you explain to me?

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1 answer


Your code has several problems:

  • The field reference in your HTML is as categoria_cnh.value1 when these attributes would belong to the driver, then the correct one would be motorista.categoria_cnh.value1;
  • Is using the categoria_cnh as a array when it should actually be an object, so there’s no need to use [], only {};
  • Did you say use the = to assign value. Example: vm.motorista.categoria_cnh = {...};;
  • You are assigning the values within the function incluir, then every time you call this function, you are overwriting the values;

Now a hint, take a look at Angular Styleguide, which should only be mentioned, since it has no direct link to the question. I rewrote your code using all these tips:

  .module('meuApp', []);

  .controller('MeuController', MeuController);

MeuController.$inject = [];

function MeuController() {
  var vm = this;
  vm.inserir = inserir;

  function iniciar() {
    vm.motorista = {};
    vm.motorista.categoria_cnh = {
        value1 : true,
        value2 : true,
        value3 : true,
        value4 : true,
        value5 : true

  function inserir() {
<script src=""></script>

<div ng-app="meuApp">
  <div ng-controller="MeuController as vm">
      <legend> Categoria CNH </legend>
      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="vm.motorista.categoria_cnh.value1" />A
      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="vm.motorista.categoria_cnh.value2" />B
      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="vm.motorista.categoria_cnh.value3" />C
      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="vm.motorista.categoria_cnh.value4" />D
      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="vm.motorista.categoria_cnh.value5" />E
    <input type="button" ng-click="vm.inserir()" value="Inserir"/>

  • First of all, thank you for answering. I redid my code, edited the question with the updated code, the moment I click the button and it triggers the insert function, Angular throws the following error on the console: Typeerror: Cannot read Property 'categoria_cnh' of Undefined at b.$Scope.insert (controller_driver.js:40)... What could be?

  • Try not to use this direct. Do VM like in my example. Or just use $Scope

  • Ah, missed I say I have more data for the driver, I access the same through the $Scope.driver

  • Got it, I’ll try it here, already put if it worked

  • Almost certain, the problem now, is that as I did that vm.driver = {}, my variable (object) $Scope.driver gets Undefined, so I can’t access the other attributes, eg: $, $ etc ...

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