I’m trying to use the function parse_str php string a value with the character +, but the result returns me to string without that character, see:
parse_str("c=item1 + item2");
I’m trying to use the function parse_str php string a value with the character +, but the result returns me to string without that character, see:
parse_str("c=item1 + item2");
That is the scope
void parse_str ( string $encoded_string [, array &$result ] )
Therefore, encode the non-ascii characters before passing the function:
parse_str(urlencode('c=item1 + item2'));
There are other peculiarities about this function. See the manual for more: http://php.net/manual/en/function.parse-str.php
The case was solved that way:
$str = urlencode('item1 + item2');
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I could not solve this way, it does not execute the function if I encode the string as you passed
– Tales Breno
I was able to solve by encoding only the value in the string
– Tales Breno