Consume wsdl webservice in java


Viewed 2,879 times


I need to consume a wsdl webservice but I do not know how to load a method and pass the parameters inside that webservice to return me the desired value.

This is the webservice:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information Associated with it. The Document Tree is Shown Below.

<definitions xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:mime="" name="IadWSMediaParcialservice" targetNamespace="">
<message name="CalcularMediaParcial0Request">
<part name="dirConfigIni" type="xs:string"/>
<part name="GUID" type="xs:string"/>
<part name="idEmpresa" type="xs:int"/>
<part name="idGrupoEmpresa" type="xs:int"/>
<part name="idUsuario" type="xs:int"/>
<part name="idPeriodoLetivo" type="xs:int"/>
<part name="idCurso" type="xs:int"/>
<part name="idCiclo" type="xs:int"/>
<part name="idSerie" type="xs:int"/>
<part name="idFaseCalendario" type="xs:int"/>
<part name="idProfessor" type="xs:int"/>
<part name="idDisciplina" type="xs:int"/>
<part name="idTurma" type="xs:int"/>
<message name="CalcularMediaParcial0Response">
<part name="return" type="xs:string"/>
<portType name="IadWSMediaParcial">
<operation name="CalcularMediaParcial">
<input message="tns:CalcularMediaParcial0Request"/>
<output message="tns:CalcularMediaParcial0Response"/>
<binding name="IadWSMediaParcialbinding" type="tns:IadWSMediaParcial">
<soap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>
<operation name="CalcularMediaParcial">
<soap:operation soapAction="urn:adWSMediaParcialIntf-IadWSMediaParcial#CalcularMediaParcial" style="rpc"/>
<input message="tns:CalcularMediaParcial0Request">
<soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:adWSMediaParcialIntf-IadWSMediaParcial"/>
<output message="tns:CalcularMediaParcial0Response">
<soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:adWSMediaParcialIntf-IadWSMediaParcial"/>
<service name="IadWSMediaParcialservice">
<port name="IadWSMediaParcialPort" binding="tns:IadWSMediaParcialbinding">
<soap:address location="http://adv-des-12/adWSMediaParcial.dll/soap/IadWSMediaParcial"/>

I created the following interface:

public interface DLL {

    public String CalcularMediaParcial(String caminho,
            String GUID, int idEmpresa, int idGrupoEmpresa, int idUsuario, int idPeriodoLetivo,
            int idCurso, int idCiclo, int idSerie, int idFaseCalendario, int idProfessor, int idDisciplina,
            int idTurma);

    public void LiberarRecursos();

How do I load webservice and call this method Calculator?

1 answer


You can use the command:

wsimport -d [caminho_destino_do_source] [arquivo_wsdl]

In this destination, classes will be generated, just import into your IDE.

  • This command is linux?

  • this utility comes bundled with jdk at least on Openjdk 8.

  • Blz, with the generated classes we were able to consume the wsdl ?

  • will create a handful of classes and together will create an interface of the same style as the one you created link

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