Nodejs Forever Not for


Viewed 853 times


I have a Ubuntu server, and I used the command forever restart but I forgot that I had not installed a Node-module, that is, when I did the command forever list appeared he stopped, then I used the command forever start server.js and there were 2 records in the forever list with the stopped situation, well, I installed the missing Node-module and used the command forever start server.js, at the end of the day, it worked, but now I’ve made a forever restart server.js and he started the 3, how do I delete them? or stop? currently it seems that the 3 is running.

3 answers


The forever has a command that kills all currently active sessions.

Just run forever stopall. After that just start the correct process.


You can complete a specific process using forever stop ID. In that case it is sufficient to identify the process by ID or even by his index on the list.


You can clear the logs after giving forever stop "id" execute the forever cleanlogs.

He’ll never show up


Use the following command to kill processes on linux with a given name:

pkill 'forever'

Then just start the process you want again.

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