Pick up data using Join in two table 1 for many


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good morning,

I need to perform a select of two tables that are related 1 to many:

Table 1: products Table 2: price group

I need to get all prices from the price group table, which may have 1 or more.

In my case of the select below it even takes the most prices repeats all the data as if it were another product, as I can do so that each products already comes with all the prices corresponding to it?

I am using Codeigniter, below the select I am currently using.

$this->db->select('produtos.*, grupo_preco_produtos.grupo_preco_venda');
$this->db->join('grupo_preco_produtos', 'grupo_preco_produtos.id_produto = produtos.id');
$this->db->where(array('produtos.id_empresa' =>$id_empresa, 'produtos.del' => 0, 'produtos.tipo_produto' => 1,));
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
  • 1

    Have you thought about how you would use it later? Sometimes what you want to do is not the best option and the people here could help you with a better solution.

  • 1

    You want to bring them separated by comma?

  • So Denis I need to put together a list of the products and their prices, I didn’t want to have to have each line have to connect to the database to get the data, I think it might overload the database, because it is an Pr that will have several clients or you think that does not burden the bank

  • Sorack, it can be yes and because at the time of listing I can separate.

  • Yes Denis, I know this may be that what I am doing may not be the best option in case friends have another better option please can pass me without any problem

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2 answers


In this case you use the GROUP_CONCAT.

Your Query would look like this:

SELECT produtos.*, GROUP_CONCAT(grupo_preco_produtos.grupo_preco_venda SEPARATOR ', ')
FROM produtos
INNER JOIN grupo_preco_produtos ON grupo_preco_produtos.id_produto = produtos.id
WHERE produtos.id_empresa = '.$id_empresa.' AND produtos.del = 0 AND produtos.tipo_produto = 1
GROUP BY produtos.id;

Another tip I give you is to name your tables when using Join’s, that same query would look like this:

SELECT a.*, GROUP_CONCAT(b.grupo_preco_venda SEPARATOR ', ')
FROM produtos a
INNER JOIN grupo_preco_produtos b ON b.id_produto = a.id
WHERE a.id_empresa = '.$id_empresa.' AND a.del = 0 AND a.tipo_produto = 1
GROUP BY a.id;


You can add a GROUP_CONCAT at your query:

$this->db->select('produtos.*, GROUP_CONCAT(grupo_preco_produtos.grupo_preco_venda SEPARATOR ",") as grupo_preco_venda');
  • In this way he did not, so he granted all prices and listed only one product. and actually have list all products with the prices relating to it.

  • @Claytoneduardomergulhão I made a change, take a look there

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