List of figures/tables in the abntex2 model


Viewed 5,050 times


Hello, I’m using the abntex2 model for theses. I put the figures and tables indexed by the chapter. However, now I would like there to be a space between the figures/tables of the same chapter. Lists are created automatically with the command \listoffigures or \listoftables. I wish the following format:

 Figura 1.1..............
 Figura 1.2..............
 Figura 1.3..............

 Figura 2.1..............
 Figura 2.2..............
 Figura 2.3..............

Could someone help me?

  • \lineskip = 18pt.....

  • Lara, apparently you created two user accounts, one of which you used to ask and the other to answer. If you want, moderators can unify them into one account.

1 answer


To separate the figures/tables according to the chapters, simply place the following commands in the preamble:

              \addtocontents{lot}{\protect\addvspace{10pt}} }
  • Lara, apparently you created two user accounts, one of which you used to ask and the other to answer. If you want, moderators can unify them into one account.

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