REST requirementResponse is Empty


Viewed 75 times


My online store is presenting the following problem when sending:

Exception 'Zend_http_client_exception' with message 'Unable to read Response, or Response is Empty' in D: wamp www santaines lib Zend Http Client.php:1081 Stack trace: #0 D: wamp www santaines lib Varien Http Client.php(61): Zend_http_client->request(NULL) #1 D:\wamp\www\santaines\app\code\local\Envato\Custompaymentmethod\controllers\PaymentController.php(56): Varien_Http_Client->request() #2 D:\wamp\www\santaines\app\code\core\Mage\Core\Controller\Varien\Action.php(418): Envato_Custompaymentmethod_PaymentController->gatewayAction() #3 D: wamp www santaines app code core Mage Core Controller Varien Router Standard.php(250): Mage_core_controller_varien_action->Dispatch('gateway') #4 D: wamp www santaines app code core Mage Core Controller Varien Front.php(172): Mage_core_controller_varien_router_standard-match>(Object(Mage_core_controller_request_http)) #5 D: wamp www santaines app code core Mage Core Model App.php(354): Mage_core_controller_varien_front->Dispatch() #6 D: wamp www santaines app Mage.php(684): Mage_core_model_app->run(Array) #7 D: wamp www santaines index.php(87): Mage::(', 'store') #8 {main}

Requisition code:

    $arr_querystring = array(

    'numero' =>  $orderId, 
    'nome' => Mage::helper('customer')->getCustomerName(),
    'valor' =>  $totalPedido,
    'cpf' => $cpfComprador,
    'email' => Mage::helper('customer')->getCustomer()->getData('email'),
    'celular' => $celularComprador,
    'dtNascimento' =>  $dataNascimentoComprador,  
    'envioSMS' => 'N' );

$jsonData = Mage::helper('core')->jsonEncode( $arr_querystring );
$headers = array(
    'Content-Type: application/json',
    'Content-Length: ' . strlen($jsonData),

$client = new Varien_Http_Client();


  $response = $client->request();

  if ($response->isSuccessful()){

    $statusJson = $response->getBody();

    $json = Mage::helper('core')->jsonDecode($statusJson);

    if ($json['Status'] == "001"){  

        $link = $json['Message'];
        Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action::_redirect('custompaymentmethod/payment/response', array('_secure' => false, '_query'=> $arr_querystring));

          Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action::_redirect('checkout/onepage/error', array('_secure'=> false));

}catch (Exception $e){
    echo $e;

I did the test with another store and the server to which sending is working normally. What may be happening?

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