Use Ajax to load options from multiple selects after choosing an option


Viewed 35 times


Ps.: This is not the same question already asked in another topic. This involves Ajax. I find it funny a lot of people marking it as duplicate without even reading the heart of each question or proposing to answer either one.

I have a form where I would like to choose a certain option on a <select> and load, via ajax, related database options into several other <select>(Like that solution of selecting the state, in the other select, neighborhood, city, etc). I would like it to be possible to categorize them so that the same option can belong to several categories (as if a city could belong to several states and a neighborhood too)

It’s something much like this here (, but adapted to work with <select> instead of Checkbox.

Ah, I use the jquery plugin

  • You have already asked this question here:

  • And here:

  • Friend, this is a little different and involves Ajax. The other questions also, even if similar, were not answered to the point of solving the problem.

  • Murilo, the other questions must have been answered the way you asked, but it may not have solved your problem because you didn’t mention these details earlier. In this topic Baltiplas requested a jsfiddle and an explanation, it was done, but it did not answer either. In this same topic you have not mentioned this need now.

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