Publishing app in Apple Store


Viewed 262 times


When I sent the app to the Apple Store, I received the email:

Missing Info.plist key - This app Attempts to access Privacy-sensitive data without a Usage Description. The app’s Info.plist must contain an Nsphotolibraryusagedescription key with a string value Explaining to the user how the app uses this data.

What exactly do I need to do?

Note: The app was made with Ionic and uses plugins for camera, firebase and Clipboard

  • When you clicked UPLOAD TO APP STORE, did you complete all the steps successfully? A green checbox appeared and written Ready(or something like) below?

  • Check the email associated with the developer account that uploaded the app, sometimes the problem and send an email warning.

  • @Neuberoliveira On the fly! The emails were in the spam box. I just don’t understand very well what they want me to do. Veja: Missing Info.plist key - This app Attempts to access Privacy-sensitive data without a Usage Description. The app’s Info.plist must contain an Nsphotolibraryusagedescription key with a string value Explaining to the user how the app uses this data.

1 answer


Check the email associated with the developer account that uploaded the app, sometimes the problem and send an email warning.

This app Attempts to access Privacy-sensitive data without a Usage Description. The app’s Info.plist must contain an Nsphotolibraryusagedescription key with a string value Explaining to the user how the app uses this data.

It’s pretty self-explanatory, you need to add in your plist that entry NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription, This is a text that is displayed in Alert that appears when you ask for some permission, in your case it is permission to access the photo gallery.

<string>Explica aqui o por que você esta pedindo essa permissão, e o que vai fazer com as fotos</string>

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