String.Content How to Not Case Sensitive


Viewed 36 times


Well I have a string where I want to search for a word but not case sensitive


string tt2 = "teste amanha de manha";
string pp = "Amanha";
if (tt2.Contains(pp))
//Não entra na condição pois na string o amanha tem o "a" em minusculo
  • 2

    you can put the stringin high or low box with string.ToUpper() or string.ToLower()

  • @Jcsaint gambiarra. Works only by coincidence.

1 answer


With the method Contains is not possible, but one can have the expected result with the method IndexOf

string tt2 = "teste amanha de manha";
string pp = "Amanha";
if (tt2.IndexOf(pp, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) > -1)
    //agora ele entra aqui
  • It worked, simple and effective, thank you!

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