I need a function that validates PIS. I’ve looked and the ones I find don’t work.
I found this:
function validarPIS(pis) {
var multiplicadorBase = "3298765432";
var total = 0;
var resto = 0;
var multiplicando = 0;
var multiplicador = 0;
var digito = 99;
// Retira a mascara
var numeroPIS = pis.replace(/[^\d]+/g, '');
if (numeroPIS.length !== 11 ||
numeroPIS === "00000000000" ||
numeroPIS === "11111111111" ||
numeroPIS === "22222222222" ||
numeroPIS === "33333333333" ||
numeroPIS === "44444444444" ||
numeroPIS === "55555555555" ||
numeroPIS === "66666666666" ||
numeroPIS === "77777777777" ||
numeroPIS === "88888888888" ||
numeroPIS === "99999999999") {
return false;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
multiplicando = parseInt(numeroPIS.substring(i, i + 1));
multiplicador = parseInt(multiplicadorBase.substring(i, i + 1));
total += multiplicando * multiplicador;
resto = 11 - total % 11;
resto = resto === 10 || resto === 11 ? 0 : resto;
digito = parseInt("" + numeroPIS.charAt(10));
return resto === digito;
But I couldn’t make it work.
Link to the official specification: http://www.macoratti.net/alg_pis.htm If you don’t find something ready, you can implement on top of that.
– Haroldo_OK
Karina, the website algorithm @Haroldo_ok provided does exactly what your code does. Besides, I tested your code and it seems to me to be correct (although I can simplify a little). So, could you explain why you couldn’t make it work? What problem exactly occurred?
– Victor Stafusa