Genexus is not generating the files for compilation


Viewed 254 times


I’m migrating a system of Gx 9 with generator VB for Gx Evo3, with generator C#. It is my first contact with the new version and I am going through the following problem:

In some Transactions (not all), the Genexus specifies and generates the code without presenting errors, but when compiling it presents an error informing the missing file bldn[nome da transação].cs as can be seen in the attached image.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui I’ve changed almost all the settings of the generator by running a build all then but nothing solved the problem.

The question is: is there any configuration that can solve the problem? The Genexus generates some log where I can find out why it is not generating the files?

more details: Generator settings Configurações do gerador

We have more than 5 thousand objects in Kbase, only 14 give this error in the compilation.


  • Could you put the result of Re-build All ? Also look in the Event Viewer to see if it is getting any errors.

  • In build all happens basically what is in the first image, specifies and generates everything without errors, only gives error in the compilation because it does not find the files. In the event viewer there is nothing.

1 answer


I finally figured out the problem. It may seem obvious to the more experienced, but I was inserting the attributes of the second level of the transaction on the screen as textboxes, as I used to do in version 9. But from what I noticed the attributes of the second level onwards can only be inserted in grids.

I entered the grid and the transaction compiled.

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