I wonder which API I can use in JAVA, for the following scenario, where I have a String with a password, for example, and the program read the String and Chava by voice.
I wonder which API I can use in JAVA, for the following scenario, where I have a String with a password, for example, and the program read the String and Chava by voice.
You can use the service of IBM Bluemix - Watson/Text to Speech. The first million monthly character is free and after that it costs $0.02 per thousand characters. There is a voice referring to Portuguese (Isabela).
Dependence on Maven to the latest version (3.5.3) may be added with the following statement in pom.xml
Available voices can be found in the documentation Specifying a voice and the formats available in Specifying an audio format.
An example class of operation:
import com.ibm.watson.developer_cloud.http.ServiceCall;
import com.ibm.watson.developer_cloud.text_to_speech.v1.TextToSpeech;
import com.ibm.watson.developer_cloud.text_to_speech.v1.model.AudioFormat;
import com.ibm.watson.developer_cloud.text_to_speech.v1.model.Voice;
import com.ibm.watson.developer_cloud.text_to_speech.v1.util.WaveUtils;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
import javax.sound.sampled.Clip;
import javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl;
import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException;
import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException;
public class Teste {
public void sintetizar(String texto) {
TextToSpeech servico = new TextToSpeech("USUARIO DA CREDENCIAL", "SENHA DA CREDENCIAL");
Map<String, String> opcoes = new HashMap<String, String>();
ServiceCall<InputStream> chamada;
InputStream retorno;
AudioInputStream tocavel;
Clip execucao;
FloatControl volume;
// Realiza a chamada do serviço
opcoes.put("accept", "audio/wav;rate=8000");
chamada = servico.synthesize(texto,
new Voice("pt-BR_IsabelaVoice", null, null),
new AudioFormat("audio/wav"));
retorno = chamada.execute(); // Aguarda o retorno
try {
tocavel = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(WaveUtils.reWriteWaveHeader(retorno));
execucao = AudioSystem.getClip();
execucao.start(); // Inicia a execução do som
// Aumenta o volume
volume = (FloatControl) execucao.getControl(FloatControl.Type.MASTER_GAIN);
execucao.drain(); // Aguarda a execução
execucao.close(); // Fecha o player
} catch (IOException | LineUnavailableException | UnsupportedAudioFileException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Teste.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Teste teste = new Teste();
teste.sintetizar("Meu texto");
The user and password used are those of the credential that is created when the Text to Speech
is enabled on the panel of the Bluemix
Example of credentials:
This is a repository on Github that has the implementation Sorackb/WatsonTextToSpeechSample.
The Maven dependency for the latest version (3.5.3) can be added with the following statement in pom.xml -- Please tell me how to do this?
@Jessésantos did not understand your doubt
At this information "The Mave dependency can be added with the following statement", I have to enter this statement? If so, how do I do this? I already created my account, used this test class, changed user and password, and enter the library. Maven jar, but these lines appeared with error: import com.ibm.Watson.developer_cloud.http.Servicecall; Servicecall<Inputstream> call; service.setDefaultHeaders(options); call = service.synthesize(text, new Voice("pt-Br_isabelavoice", null, null), new Audioformat("audio/wav"));
@Jessésantos Maven has a configuration file. The pom.xml
. But if you’re not familiar with Maven, I advise you to use Watson’s library directly. Here’s the link downloadable.
Just add this library?
@Jessésantos yes
You can simply create methods for this example and use Audioclip:
public static void main(String[] args){
String senha = "SENHA123";
if(senha == "SENHA"){
public void executar(){
AudioClip clip = Applet.newAudioClip(urlDoSom);
clip.start();//toca só uma vez
clip.loop();//toca o som repetidamente
clip.stop();//para de tocar
Source: GUJ
I don’t think that answers the question. From what I understand he wants the contents of the string to be played by voice, not to play a sound when comparing the reference of two objects. By the way, how to compare strings in Java.
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Try the Freetts
– lazyFox
I’m taking a look. No more found an implementation example.
– Jessé Santos
Here are the demos from Freetts
– lazyFox
Queria em português.
– Jessé Santos
Freetts is a well-known and śolida api for reading text and voice transformation... take a look.. http://freetts.sourceforge.net/docs/index.php
– Fernando Almeida