Hello, I have a dropdown made with ui-select, which does not open above the rest of the site.
as you can see it opens only up to the limit of the div
I’ve tried the examples I found on websites. examples: position: Absolute, z-index: 99999, overflow: Visible, in not one case did I succeed.
Ui-select code:
<div class="form-group">
<strong>Perfis: </strong>
<ui-select ng-model="acao.perfis"
title="Selecione um perfil">
<ui-select-match placeholder="Perfil" allow-clear="true">{{$item.nome}} </ui-select-match>
<ui-select-choices repeat="perfil in acoesCtrl.perfis | filter: $select.search">
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My question is: How to open the dropdown on the div?
What is the OVERFLOW of this div.col-Md-6?
– Thiago Santos
div has the col-Md-6 bootstrap class, which as far as I know has no overflow and the class: gc-panel . gc-panel { padding-top: 9px; padding-bottom: 9px; }
– FelipeM
inspects the element and finds out which last OVERFLOW applied to it, because the attribute that prevents an element from stretching, or passing, the height is the overflow
– Thiago Santos
the element has only the overflow: overflow-x: Hidden; that when removing it, just removes the scroll from the drop down. adding another kind of overflow, has no effect whatsoever.
– FelipeM