Send a list of objects to Spring using Thymeleaf


Viewed 1,746 times


I have the following problem, I have an Entity called Teacher and another called Class, Teacher is with @Onetomany relationship for Class and when I try to save the classes marked in my checkbox in View is presented the following error:

Error During Execution of Processor 'org.thymeleaf.spring4.processor.attr.Springinputcheckboxfieldattrprocessor'

java.lang.Numberformatexception: For input string: "Quintoa"

The Entity Professor is presented below:

public class Professor {

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;

@NotBlank(message = "Nome é obrigatório")
@Column(length = 100, nullable = false)
private String nome;

@NotBlank(message = "CPF é obrigatório")
@Column(length = 15, nullable = false)
private String cpf;

private PosGraduacao posGraduacao;

@Column(name = "desc_pos_graduacao", length = 150)
private String descricaoPosGraduacao;

private Collection<Turma> turmas;

// methods getters and setters ...


The Entity Class is presented below:

@Table(name = "turma")
public class Turma {

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;

@NotBlank(message = "Nome é obrigatória")
@Size(max = 100, message = "O nome não pode conter mais de 100 caracteres")
@Column(length = 80, nullable = false)
private String nome;

@NotEmpty(message = "Horário inicial é obrigatório")
@Column(length = 6)
private String horarioInicial;

@NotEmpty(message = "Horário final é obrigatório")
@Column(length = 6)
private String horarioFinal;

@Column(length = 15, nullable = false)
private Escolaridade escolaridade;

@NotNull(message = "Disciplina obrigatória")
@Column(length = 20, nullable = false)
private Disciplina disciplina;

@JoinColumn(name = "professor_id")
private Professor professor;

// methods getters and setters ...


The Professorcontroller is presented below:

public class ProfessorController {

private TurmaService turmas;

private ProfessorService professores;

public ModelAndView novo() {
    ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("CadastroProfessor");

    Professor professor = new Professor();
    professor.setTurmas(new ArrayList<Turma>());

    return mv;

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String salvar(@Validated Professor professor, Errors errors, RedirectAttributes attributes) {

    if (errors.hasErrors()) {
        return "CadastroProfessor";

    attributes.addFlashAttribute("mensagem", "Professor salvo com sucesso!");

    return "redirect:/professor/novo";

The View responsible for selecting classes is shown below:

<div class="form-group" >

    <label for="turma" class="col-sm-2 control-label" >Turma que atua</label>

    <div class="col-sm-5" >                     

         <label class="checkbox-inline" th:each="turma : ${todasTurmas}" >
            <input type="checkbox" id="turma" th:value="${turma}" th:text="${turma.nome}" th:field="*{turmas}" />



1 answer


Value must be the id attribute, as follows::

  • Good evening Murilo, I put the id and it worked out, thank you very much. You could say why you should send the id?

  • Because id is the identifier you defined in the Class with @Id.

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