Use a form with select to control views


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Good afternoon guys, next couldn’t find a practical solution for what I’m trying to develop:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Through the select above I intend to display data below such as charts, ie if the user chooses the item generates graph 1, item 2 generates graph 2

the problem is that I would like this select to always be above the page with the results being generated below as they are selected.

I am using Codeigniter for the development of this, so I have a controller calling this view and I will also have a model to extract the data from the database and generate the data, but for now I would just like to simulate what I am trying to do more often I will generate the

  • You’ve seen how to do it here: Just change the <input> by a <select>.

  • would use something like this so $variable = $this->select->get('id_do_select');

  • That will depend on your MODEL. But it’s the same logic. By following the answer procedure I indicated you will get exactly the same result. But instead of using <input type="text" name="criterio" id="criterio" class="form-control" placeholder="Critério de busca">, build a <select> with the <options> appropriate.

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