Grab the contents Ckeditor input file


Viewed 194 times


I’m having trouble getting the contents of a file input using Ckeditor.

I’ve tested it using the getlementById and everything else, but as the file upload pop-up is created after the page DOM does not work.

Also tested in this way unsuccessfully:

var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'cke_145_fileInput_input' );
  • Did you ever consult the documentation? They indicate using: var data = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData(); complementing! /api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-getData

  • Already tested. I use ASP VBS and want to upload without components. When the user selected the file I would like to convert it to Base64, play this data in a field and send it to the server I would use a method to save this Base64 image, but I am not able to do this function. I already have the upload working with the Aspupload component, but it is very slow and expires the page.

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