I cannot enable Opcache in PHP 5.6.30


Viewed 297 times


I am using Ubuntu 16.04 and I compiled PHP 5.6.30 using the --enable-opcache flag, even though it is not necessary in this version.

In php.ini, I’ve already added lines


I’ve also tried setting up in php.ini or opcache.error_log but no message has been logged into this file.

These and other options I tested did not enable OP Cache, none of them displayed the section Zend Opcache in the phpinfo().

  • How can I enable it?
  • There is a chance that it is enabled and does not appear on phpinfo()?
  • Did I forget some step?

1 answer


I discovered that php was not reading php.ini that I was changed, which is very strange because there is no other php.ini in the entire system.

To resolve, I created a symbolic link in the directory specified in phpinfo Configuration File (php.ini) Path pointing to php.ini that I was changing, restarted php-fpm and now Opcache is enabled.

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