Eloquent save() method does not work


Viewed 451 times


When I try to use the method save() eloquent-Variable 5.1, in the manner requesting the documentation, the update is not made in the bank.

This is how you ask for documentation:

$flight = App\Flight::find(1);    
$flight->name = 'New Flight Name';    

This is my:

public function adotado($id) {         
        $animal = Animal::find($id); 
        if (Auth::user()->id == $animal->user_id) {
            $animal->ativo = 0;
            return redirect()->action('UserController@index');
        } else {
            return view('errors.restrito');

I checked with dd($animal) that the data is normally being pulled from the database after the find(), including the active attribute is 1. Inside the if, dd($animal->ativo) returns 0, that is, until then the code is ok. The dd($animal->save()) also returns true and is redirected normally to index, however the update does not appear in db.

Any tips? Save me as many as you can. Thank you.

  • Try commenting on redirect and check if there are any errors

  • No mistake. =\

  • Checks the return of save, may be returning false. Would be the method push useful in that case?

  • @Virgilionovic the change is being made in the active $animal->that is 1 in db. After I set active = 0 within the if, return of dd($animal->active) was 0, then had change.

  • @Andersoncarloswoss the return of save() is 1. I tried to push as well and continued in it.

2 answers


In view, when marking the animal as "adopted", one modal was displayed asking for confirmation. After removing the modal from the view, save() worked normally. The question I’m left with is: why?

'confirm' of modal displayed path 'animal/adopted/6' where 6 is the animal id. Exactly the same way done without modal. In action, I confirmed that I received $id in both ways, with or without modal. The difference is that one way it didn’t change and the other way it did. I’m a beginner and I don’t know why this happened, and maybe it’s not even a proper response, but taking the modal of the view solved.


Do not use redirect()->action() friend. Create routes for your methods, it will be much simpler.

A few steps to solve:

  1. Use Try/catch in your methods, and dump() Exception.
  2. All errors are stored in the.log file, which is in the directory Storage/logs/Laravel.log. You can check there the because you’re not saving.
  • Thanks for the tip. I will use it.

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