Pass Web Service header parameters?


Viewed 444 times


I am trying to perform a web service call on Angularjs, however I am getting the following error message on the browser console (tested on Chrome and Firefox):

Xmlhttprequest cannot load

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested Resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8083' is therefore not allowed access.

From what I understand soap complained I didn’t send the order headers. Actually the service requires headers as below, however I do not know how to pass them in the call parameter post, I just sent the parameters of body of the requisition.

Header parameters: user and store:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""


Service that makes the post call:

function GerarSegundaViaFaturaTotvsPDF()
	var metodo = 'imprimirFatura';
	var url = '
	var param = {};      	 
	param.tipoFatura = "ATUAL";
	param.CPF =
	return $, metodo, {req: param});	      	 

How do I pass the header parameters in the call simply without changing the structure of my code?

1 answer


Usually this type of error is related to CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing).

In this post you can check better and have two more references explaining the concept. One of them I cloned above. Below follows the quote from the post that I believe has to do with your problem:

If I understood it right you are Doing an Xmlhttprequest to a Different Domain than your page is on. So the browser is blocking it as it usually Allows a request in the same origin for security reasons. You need to do Something Different when you want to do a cross-Domain request. A tutorial about how to Achieve that is Using CORS.

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