Is it possible to compare two variables coming from a view in Django?


Viewed 152 times


Well, I want to compare two variables coming from a view on Django. I’m doing one for and iterating and comparing a Charfield value (student.matricula) with another Charfield (frequencia.matricula)! I wanted to know if it is possible to do this. My result always falls in Else!

    <td>Data com hora</td>
{% for aluno in alunos_tsi %}
    <td>{{ aluno.matricula }}</td>
    <td>{{ aluno.nome }}</td>
        {% for frequencia in frequencias %}
            {% if frequencia.matricula == aluno.matricula %}
                <td>{{ frequencia.faltas }}</td>
                <td>{{ frequencia.data_com_hora }}</td>
            {% else %}
                <td>Nenhuma frequência registrada</td>
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
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2 answers


  • Thanks for your attention. I already solved the problem, hug.


Try using the following comparison:

{% ifequal frequencia.matricula|stringformat:"s" aluno.matricula %}
{% endifequal %}

or maybe this:

{% ifequal frequencia.matricula|stringformat:"s" aluno.matricula|stringformat:"s" %}

{% endifequal %}

Taken from that post

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