Insert problem using adoconnection


Viewed 48 times


We are making a migration from the Firebird system database to sql server and we put an adoconnection... we have a client table that makes a Join with the city table... the problem is that now when we insert a record in the client table it tries to insert a new record in the table of cities tbm, and when we exclude a client he also excludes from the city table the city code of the client’s city...has someone been there and can help?? vlw

  • Is it possible to post the Ddls of the tables? This looking like "Cascade".

  • Now I can not post no, the tables are quite extensive, but that’s just it is working in cascade even...??

  • 1

    Has any CONSTRAINT with ON DELETE CASCADE . You have to find her and put ON DELETE NO ACTION


  • I’ve already looked and they’re all disabled.

  • to my view the problem is not exactly in the database

  • There’s property there with the name similar to DeleteRule ?

  • i did some tests here and changed some things and the delete problem solved and I can change normally, but now when I try to insert record appears this message: "the application is using an incorrect value for the current operation".

  • This is some parameter you are passing with the wrong type for SQL.

  • opa. I managed to solve, I used a program to migrate the database and checking field by field of the database I noticed that some fields are with different type of what should be thank you very much for the attention of Junior and Robss.

  • Cool, put it there as an answer as you decided. It may help other people.

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after many test and help from Junior and Robs70 I managed to solve.

how I used a program to migrate the structure and data checking field by field of the tables I noticed that some fields were different from what should be... it was just change the types and it worked all right/

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